Thursday, September 06, 2007


It's that time of year again ... time to gather school supplies, shop the back-to-school sales, and help your kids get used to the idea of new teachers, new classrooms and of course, getting back into the school year routine.

It's a time when your kids are likely excited about the prospects of a new year, but it's also a time when they may be feeling a lot of anxiety.

How do you know if your child is stressed about going back to school? As a parent, you recognize that something is different about your child. Often, when faced with back-to-school stress (or other stress factors) children can become argumentative with their parents, siblings and peers. Fortunately, there's a lot a parent can do to prevent negative behavior and get their child on track for a successful school year.

How about you guys how's your children doing on their first week of school...mine so far doing a wonderful job.