Sunday, August 05, 2007


How you guys all doing? summer only just began hot hot hot in here already love it. My children finally done with school, today is their last day at last i can breath a little lol how about you guys your children are done with their school yet?

Anyways i want to share this picture of my new collections and a pillow from munich germany, my hubby (i called him manoi)his aunt older sister of his father leaving in germany for quiet sometimes now.Couple years ago my hubby went to visit his aunt and the family in germany, and he said the place is fricki'n awsome especially in munich, according to him i would love it there as much as he is...i would like the shopping the most hmmm sounds lovely right wink....his planning to back there dont know when yet...but i will make sure i go with him next time hehehe...

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This next photos is for vk to read and tell me what are this words means? or to all my blogger friends that speak and understand german language. The thing is i was to shy and embarassed to asked myself hehehe basin unya the words saying kiss my butt or something lol.

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Thank you all for non stop visiting my place eventhough i not the best expeditious updater and a blogger totally apprecited. Have great day.